Workshops and Conferences
Vapor intrusion (VI) is the migration of volatile chemicals from the subsurface into overlying buildings. Volatile chemicals in contaminated soil or groundwater emit vapors that may migrate through soil and into indoor air spaces.

As an archive of presentations from VI workshops and conferences, this website includes general information on the science of VI and how it has evolved over the past decade. Although the primary focus is on VI conferences, workshops, and stakeholder forums conducted by EPA and the AEHS Foundation, presentations from other VI related conferences are also included. We welcome other VI presentations and publically available references and content related to VI. If you have material to submit please contact us.

High-quality, representative, and reproducible measurements of soil gas, groundwater, and indoor air contaminant concentrations from VI sites are needed to measure vapor attenuation, verify that VI model predictions are accurate, improve understanding of the operating physical phenomena of VI, and help EPA, states, and other practitioners evaluate and improve predictive models and screening algorithms for the VI pathway. This website includes presentations and supporting materials that meet this description. These presentations can be accessed by clicking on the "Workshops and Conferences" link on the left of this page.

Disclaimer:  This is a development site for public use and in support of VI-related activities. It is not a US EPA website. It is operated by RTI International.

RTI International

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